

This old proverb rings true for your plant more than ever: Take a closer look at how good housekeeping practices positively impact profit, productivity and purpose in metalworking operations.

Posted: July 29, 2019

Manual removal is simply not cost-effective when trying to manage large volumes of material byproducts that accumulate quickly and can block workflow areas. Using equipment like this in-floor trough conveyor to automate the removal of chips and coolant from the work area is an effective housekeeping solution.
Vertical axis crushers and shredders that reduce dangerous metal turnings and bulky wads into shovel-grade chips are among several sensible, effective options for clearing the rapid buildup of spent material.
Proper handling of free-floating, mechanically-dispersed tramp oils, bacteria, slime and inverted emulsions is important. An ozone generator (shown here) contributes to a clean shop by directly injecting ozone into the coolant to kill bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungus and molds while eliminating coolant sump odors. Specially-designed fluid filtration systems like this can help to extend coolant and washwater life, reduce employee exposure to harmful fluids and alleviate unpleasant, foul-smelling odors from the plant.

“清洁是一种美德”是母亲可能用来说服您在某个时间点清洁房间的一句古老格言。但是,在制造业中 - 混乱和混乱的工作空间可能会对许多基本功能和过程产生负面影响 - 这是植物经理应牢记的短语。除了明显的安全福利之外,采用常规的管家计划可以帮助收紧控制和程序,例如保留零件和材料的标签,去除和处置废金属和花费的液体,以及对废水的适当处理和回收。但是潜在的好处清单并没有结束。对家政服务的坚定承诺可以扩展到从员工士气到销售和运营效率的所有方面。尽管在避免风险和递延维护方面有明显的经济利益,但在采取行动时,良好的家政实践不仅有可能超越业务的身体方面,而且还可以超越精神。

In almost every discipline – whether it be cooking, writing, metal stamping or injection molding – how well you prepare is often a key determinant of success. When it comes to the shop floor, where space is often at a real premium, having an organized system for storing, locating and transferring raw materials quickly and effortlessly provides your employees with the organization and structure they need to focus on the primary task at hand. When all of the tools of the trade are prearranged from an ergonomic standpoint, it minimizes hazards, worker fatigue and unnecessary time spent searching for tools or materials. This is more than a sound organizational practice – it is also stated explicitly in the OSHA Materials Handling, Storage, Use and Disposal Standard (1926.250), which specifies that storage areas should not accumulate materials that present hazards for tripping, fire, explosion or pests.

In metalworking, where large volumes of material byproducts can accumulate quickly and block workflow areas, manual removal is simply not cost-effective. Instead, sensible options used to handle the rapid buildup of spent material include conveyors that automate the removal of accumulated chips and coolant away from the point of production, and briquetters that compress loose turnings and swarf into near-solid dry pucks for recycling. Other effective options for clearing scrap and spent fluid waste include:

  • Wringers and centrifuges that are designed for drying chips and reclaiming fluid.
  • Vertical axis crushers and shredders that reduce dangerous metal turnings and bulky wads into shovel-grade chips.
  • 可以从芯片流中去除杆端,破损工具和其他固体的流浪金属分离器,从而保护废金属设备免受损坏和减少停机时间和昂贵的维修。

外表确实很重要 - 当大型企业交易打电话来需要进行步行或对您的设施进行更仔细检查时,看上去混乱或更糟的植物可能会使这些交易真正危险。这就像问自己,当您知道厨师不洗手时,您是否会继续在餐厅吃饭一样:如果他们的专心不足以做一些为客户的利益而做的事情,那么他们缺少什么其他细节?植物操作员还能在哪里切断角落?这种混乱会折衷的吞吐量和负面影响我的业务吗?可以通过建立定期安排的管家计划可以轻松避免这种陷阱,该计划首先结合自动化设备以保持干净,有序的工作场所。不要让客户第二次猜测他们从您那里获得的服务或产品是不合标准的还是有缺陷的。如果您将品牌的声誉享有质量,那么明智的做法是采取必要的所有步骤,以确保清洁,高效且组织良好的工厂。

“Respect is one of those subtle lubricants that keeps the engine of management running smoothly,” says Forbes contributor and management expert Victor Lipman. “But when, like oil, it gets low, parts start grinding.” Just as good personal hygiene ties into self-respect and self-esteem, good housekeeping translates into overall respect for the workplace. If you put off cleaning your workspace, forget to maintain equipment, or neglect to remove debris and other obstructions from work zones, it can have an adverse effect on employee morale and engagement – two key ingredients for performance and success. Eventually, you should also expect to experience a steady decline in productivity. No one wants to work in grimy, smelly or unsafe conditions. While there are those who might put up with these inconveniences, which can easily be dismissed as the nature of the beast in metalworking operations, everyone has their limits.

One case in point is in the handling of free-floating and mechanically-dispersed tramp oils, bacteria, slime and inverted emulsions. By incorporating specially-designed fluid filtration systems, you not only extend coolant and washwater life, you can also reduce your employees’ exposure to harmful fluids and alleviate unpleasant and foul-smelling odors from your plant.

Maintaining machinery to avoid unnecessary downtime, repairs or replacement is all part of the cycle of life in the world of manufacturing. Everyone wants to prolong the life of their equipment for the highest output and longest return on investment possible. This can more likely be achieved through implementing a housekeeping program that incorporates a set schedule for employees to inspect your equipment and evaluate whether all of your automated processes are in good working order. This additional layer of checks and balances – which can include testing fluid and lubricant levels, inspecting signs of wear and tear, and confirming components are clean and clear of foreign objects or obstructions – provides an extra measure of protection beyond scheduled maintenance. Automated processes can also help extend the life of your machinery. In the case of grinding applications, adding paper bed or candle filters that are designed to filter fine particulate matter from oil and fluids can help to prolong coolant and tool life.


  • Boost productivity by limiting the time machinists have to clean or remove material.
  • Increase throughput by speeding up essential functions of the manufacturing process.
  • 减少金属转向可流动的芯片,并将其与消耗的液体分开以回收或再利用。
  • 减少维护时间,并通过回收使用的冷却液,Washwater和其他流体来增加工作流体的寿命。

When your workforce doesn’t have to stop to clean up scrap or replace fluid after every production run, you can reduce costly bottlenecks and increase worker productivity and throughput. Furthermore, numerous case studies demonstrate how scrap, wastewater treatment and fluid recycling systems can – in addition to cutting out manual labor – lead to more substantial sources of revenue when materials are separated and compacted with precision and fluid is recycled or reused for an optimum return on investment.

当建立一个包罗万象的houseke的一部分eping and volume reduction plan, automated systems such as conveyors and/or scrap metal shredders, separators and crushers have the capacity to greatly reduce the need for workers to stop what they are doing and clean up. In addition, applying paper-bed filters, coolant recycling and wastewater filtration systems can do much to reduce costs and increase efficiencies while addressing the risks involved with slips and spills. In all of these cases, overhauling or re-evaluating internal housekeeping processes is a logical place to start – especially when you consider the list of options available for automation that relates to the indisputable and long-lasting positive impact a clean and orderly workplace can provide.

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